Scripture: I John 3:2
Key: C
Time Signature: 3/4
Hymn Status: License Required (User(s) of this hymn must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and accept the responsibility of reporting its usage.)
Terms of Use: R. J. Stevens Music, LLC has been commercially authorized to present this hymn for sale only and cannot grant copyright privileges for performances, recording, or use beyond the sale of the download. The purchaser must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and assume the responsibility of reporting its usage.
Verse 1: The sky shall unfold, preparing His entrance; The stars shall applaud Him with thunders of praise, The sweet light in His eyes shall enhance those awaiting; And we shall behold Him then face to face.
Verse 2: The angel shall sound the shout of His coming; The sleeping shall rise from their slumbering place. And those who remain shall be changed in a moment; And we shall behold Him then face to face.
Chorus: And we shall behold Him, We shall behold Him Face to face in all of His glory. O, we shall behold Him, We shall behold Him Face to face, our Savior and Lord.
Coda: And we shall behold Him, Our Savior and Lord.