Scripture: Hebrews 13:8
Key: F
Time Signature: 6/4
Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement
Copyright Agreement has been made with RJStevensMusic, LLC No License or Reporting Requirements for copyright compliance Permission to make a limited number of copies For additional copies contact the copyright owner
Verse 1
We live in a changing world Of moments and life unfurled; The faces once known Have silently gone; A few left a path impearled; God lives and the Lord will be; He ruled all the land and sea; He changes not, He knows our lot, And fashions eternity.
Verse 2
The voices of yesteryears Speak memories no one hears; But yet not alone, The Lord tends His own, And He can becalm our fears. Our Savior subdued the sea, He trod over Galilee, He raised the dead, ‘Twas He who said: With you I will always be.
Verse 3
The changes are all around, The hills and the plains abound; Tho’ far we may go, From regions below, Jehovah will there be found. Far out in the distant skies, Beyond all the sad good-byes, The God of man, The ages scan, On Him ev’ry soul relies.