Scripture: Revelation 15:6
Key: Db
Time Signature: 6/8
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: There is a home eternal Beautiful and bright, Where sweet joys supernal Never are dimmed by night; Whiterobed angels are singing Even around the bright throne; When, O, when shall I see thee, Beautiful, beautiful home?
Verse 2: Flowers are ever springing In that home so fair. Little children singing Praises to Jesus there. How they swell the glad anthem Ever around the bright throne; When, O, when shall I see thee, Beautiful, beautiful home?
Verse 3: Soon shall I join the ransomed, Far beyond the sky; Christ is my salvation, Why should I fear to die? Soon my eyes shall behold God Seated upon the bright throne; Then, O, then shall I see thee, Beautiful, beautiful home?
Chorus: Home, beautiful home! Bright, beautiful home! Bright home of our Savior, Bright beautiful home!