


Scripture: Luke 15:20

Key: F

Time Signature: 6/8


Hymn Status: Partnership

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Verse 1
“Children obey your parents,” for thus saith the Lord. “Honor father and mother,” a command with reward. Heed the wisdom of those you have known since your birth That your days may go well, and live long on the earth. She was raised in a fam’ly that honored the Lord, Surrounded and nurtured in His holy word. From her parents’ example of the heavenly way The prodigal daughter was soon gone astray.
Verse 2
Away from the home that had molded the child, Then choosing her own path and living so wild. The cares and the riches that this world doth hold She tho’t would endure until she grew old. Then wisdom returned, she came to herself. The Father’s reward yields eternal wealth. With heart of repentance and knees bowed in pray’r She found a reunion with fam’ly so dear.
Verse 3
Young mother, so precious, was back in her place, With only a few days to finish her race. She taught us forgiveness and how we should serve: First Jesus, then others, that’s how we should love. Now she’s journeyed on to eternity’s shore, Hoping others by faith will follow her o’er. We come to our senses, can’t stand on our own. The Father is running to welcome us home.
How far must one go to escape the great love Of the parents who’re waiting like the Father above? One glimpse of the child headed home, her straying done, Brings angels rejoicing and parents who run.    

How far one go One glimpse brings angels

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