The Breaking Of Bread


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The Breaking Of Bread

Scripture: Acts 20:7

Key: Eb

Time Signature: 4/4


Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement (A copyright agreement has been made between the hymn writer and R. J. Stevens Music, LLC.)

Terms of Use:  Unlimited use for display and printed copies due to licensing agreement with R. J. Stevens Music


Verse 1: Dear Lord, we break the bread, in memory, of that great sacrifice on calvary; this we do each Lord’s day as Christ has said, bless all disciples now who break the bread.
Verse 2: Bless thou the cup, dear Lord, to us this day; may we with hearts prepared his words obey; we now his death proclaim in his own way; until he comes again, we keep this day.
Verse 3: Our savior now doth reign in heav’n above; deaths power he overcame, such matchless love; to heav’n he did ascend, there he’s enthroned; he is our dearest friend, for us atoned.

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