Scripture: Ephesians 6:2
Key: G
Time Signature: 3/4
Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement (A copyright agreement has been made between the hymn writer and R. J. Stevens Music, LLC.)
Terms of Use: Unlimited use for display and printed copies due to licensing agreement with R. J. Stevens Music
Verse 1: Lord, in Your wisdom You gave us someone, someone to hold us thru the long, lonely nights. Someone to laugh at the silliest things, someone to lovingly call out our names.
Verse 2: Lord, thru Your mercy You gave us someone, someone to notice ev’ry tear that was cried. Someone to magic’ly make things alright, someone to read us sweet stories at night.
Refrain: But, most of all Father, we thank You for mothers who pray for their children ev’ry day.