Take My Life, And Let It Be


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Take My Life, And Let It Be

Scripture: I Corinthians 6:20

Key: G

Time Signature: 3/4


Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)

Terms of Use:  None


Verse 1: Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee; take my momensts and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Verse 2: Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love; take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Verse 3: Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King; take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Verse 4: Take my will, and make it Thine: it shall be no longer mine; take my heart it is Thine own: it shall be Thy royal throne.
Verse 5: Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasures store; take my self and I will be ever, only, all for Thee!

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