


Scripture: Isaiah 42:16

Key: F

Time Signature: 4/4


Hymn Status: License Required (User(s) of this hymn must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and accept the responsibility of reporting its usage.)

Terms of Use:  R. J. Stevens Music, LLC has been commercially authorized to present this hymn for sale only and cannot grant copyright privileges for performances, recording, or use beyond the sale of the download. The purchaser must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and assume the responsibility of reporting its usage.


Verse 1: When the way seems dark and long, as I pass amid the throng, Hold to my hand, dear Lord, I pray; Give me grace thru love divine, ever in thy light to shine, Lord, lead me on from day to day,
Verse 2: In this world of doubt and gloom, when hopes flowers fail to bloom, Hold to my hand, dear Lord, I pray; I have put my faith in Thee, till the homeland I shall see, Lord, lead me on from day to day,
Verse 3: When old age is stealing on, and my strength is almost gone, Hold to my hand, dear Lord, I pray; Surely Thou wilt ne’er forsake, till in heaven I awake, Lord, lead me on from day to day,
Chorus: Lord, lead me on from day to day, I want to, want to walk the holy way; Tho friends forsake, me all alone, I ask Thee, Lord, to lead me on.

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