Scripture: John 3:16
Key: Db
Time Signature: 12/8
Hymn Status: Partnership (An agreement between the hymn writer and R.J. Stevens Music, LLC.)
Terms of Use: This hymn is free to use for display and print but with the following exception(s):
1. The hymn writer does not want this hymn and its arrangement altered in any way.
Verse 1: Why did God send His beloved Son To come down to earth for all and why did He have Him God’s will to obey, To save lowly creatures He made from the clay?
Verse 2: How could He love me enough to die There on a crude cross they lifted high? And how could He withstand such shame and disgrace? Why was He so willing to stand in my place?
Verse 3: What was He thinking as hanging so long, Feeling forsaken and all alone? His humanness suffered while fighting thru pain; His Deity willing to fulfill God’s plan.
Chorus: I don’t pretend to know the Father’s mind, The depth of Christ’s love He had for all mankind. I only know; I believe it is true, That God surely loves me and Jesus does too.