Scripture: John 16:32
Key: Eb
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: One is walking with me over life’s uneven way, Constantly supporting me each moment of the day; How can I be lonely when such fellowship is mine, With my blessed Lord divine!
Verse 2: Days may bring their burdens and their trials as I go, But my Lord is near and helps to make them lighter grow; Life may have its crosses, or its losses, or increase, Jesus meets them all with peace.
Verse 3: In the hour of sad bereavement or of bitter loss, I can find support and consolation at the cross; Want or woe or suff’ring all seem glorified when He Daily walks along with me.
Verse 4: In life’s rosy morning when the skies above are clear, In its noontide hours with many cares and problems near, Or when ev’ning shadows fall at closing of my day Jesus will be there alway.
Chorus: How can I be lonely When I’ve Jesus only To be my companion and unfailing guide; Why should I be weary, Or my path seem dreary, When He’s walking by my side.