Scripture: Revelation 5:9
Key: F
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: Glory be to Jesus, who, in bitter pains, Poured for me the lifeblood from His sacred veins!
Verse 2: Grace and life eternal in that blood I find; Blest be His compassion infinitely kind!
Verse 3: Blest thru endless ages be the precious stream Which from endless torments did the world redeem!
Verse 4: Abel’s blood for vengeance pleaded to the skies; But the blood of Jesus for our pardon cries.
Verse 5: Oft as earth exulting wafts its praise on high, Angel hosts rejoicing make their glad reply.
Verse 6: Lift we, then, our voices, swell the mighty flood, Louder still and louder praise the precious blood!
Coda: Amen.