Scripture: Romans 8:38
Key: Eb
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Partnership (An agreement between the hymn writer and R.J. Stevens Music, LLC.)
Terms of Use: This hymn is free to use for display and print but with the following exception(s):
1. The hymn writer does not want this hymn and its arrangement altered in any way.
2. The hymn writer does not want this hymn accompanied with instrumental music.
Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16
Verse 1: When death shall come, and come it will, Those left will surely grieve. The parting, if abrupt or still, Is sad for the bereaved.
Verse 2: Our daily lives are ever changed; We miss the one who’s gone; Our daily walks seem dimly strange, Like night before the dawn.
Verse 3: While we are sad to say goodbye And sorrowful at death, God’s peace, transcending ev’ry cry, Bestows eternal breath.
Verse 4: If one who is departed now Was serving Christ our King, We know that one will be endowed With joys that heaven brings.