Did You Repent, Fully Repent



Did You Repent, Fully Repent

Scripture: Acts 3:19

Key: F

Time Signature: 12/8


Hymn Status: License Required (User(s) of this hymn must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and accept the responsibility of reporting its usage.)

Terms of Use:  R. J. Stevens Music, LLC has been commercially authorized to present this hymn for sale only and cannot grant copyright privileges for performances, recording, or use beyond the sale of the download. The purchaser must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and assume the responsibility of reporting its usage.


Verse 1:  Christ the dear Lord, glorious Lord, speaks to us gently, By His great word that is our light each day; Tell us the way, glorious way, we may reach heaven, If we believe, if we repent, if we obey.
Verse 2:  Yes, He has said, truly has said, how we should live now, What to partake, what to avoid while here; Do unto those that are about a kindly service, Tell them of Christ, teach them that He always is near.
Chorus: Did you repent, fully repent of your past sins, friend, When you Confessed His name on high? Did you believe, fully believe on His great name then, Or was A doubt, treacherous doubt lingering nigh? Did you obey all of the way what He commanded, Things in His word we’re told to do? Did you Confess, fully confess Jesus the Savior, Did you repent, did you believe all the way through?

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