Scripture: Luke 22:44
Key: F
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement (A copyright agreement has been made between the hymn writer and R. J. Stevens Music, LLC.)
Terms of Use: Unlimited use for display and up to 25 print copies allowed due to licensing agreement with R. J. Stevens Music
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Verse 1: Come to the garden, O, come with me; Come there to see what we might see; Jesus, the Lord, was there, you know. There’s where He went to pray alone.
Verse 2: eardrops do stain the garden floor; What, O, dear friend, are these tears for? These are the tears of a threatened Dove, Left in the garden with wondrous love.
Verse 3: Blooddrops do mar the garden space; Though He was whole, e’er He came this way; This is the blood of a trusting Son, Left in the garden with wondrous love.
Verse 4: See, now, the tearstains begin to fade; Lo, too, the blooddrops have gone away; Where is the love I cannot see? Gone from the garden to die for me.