Come, Thou Almighty King



Come, Thou Almighty King

Scripture: Psalm 29:2

Key: G

Time Signature: 3/4


Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)

Terms of Use:  None


Verse 1: Come, Thou almighty King, help us Thy name to sing, help us to praise! Father all glorious, o’er all victorious, come and reign over us, Ancient of Days!
Verse 2: Come, Thou Incarnate Word, gird on Thy mighty sword, our prayer attend! Come, and Thy people bless, and give Thy word success; Spirit of holiness, on us descend!
Verse 3: O Lord, our God, to Thee the highest praises be, hence, evermore; Thy sov’reign majesty may we in glory see, and to eternity love and adore!

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