Scripture: Hebrews 6:9
Key: Eb
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Partnership (An agreement between the hymn writer and R.J. Stevens Music, LLC.)
Terms of Use: This hymn is free to use for display and print but with the following exception(s):
1. The hymn writer does not want this hymn and its arrangement altered in any way.
2. The hymn writer does not want this hymn accompanied with instrumental music.
Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16
Verse 1: Christ Jesus did not enter An earthly holy place To bring a yearly off’ring And seek imperfect grace. But through the veil of heaven, He sought His Father’s throne; The sacrifice was perfect, The blood He brought, His own.
Verse 2: We come not to a mountain Of darkness, fire, and fear, To sights that make us tremble, and words too harsh to hear. But we have come to Zion, Where dwells the living God, To Jesus, our Defender, And to His sprinkled blood.
Verse 3: We are not called like children To works that we can see, To earthly myth and fable, To outward purity, but we by faith inherit The promise of a King; We hold the hope of heaven, and look for better things.