Scripture: John 14:6
Key: F
Time Signature: 6/8
Hymn Status: License Required (User(s) of this hymn must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and accept the responsibility of reporting its usage.)
Terms of Use: R. J. Stevens Music, LLC has been commercially authorized to present this hymn for sale only and cannot grant copyright privileges for performances, recording, or use beyond the sale of the download. The purchaser must have a license with CCLI, OneLicense or other licensing entity and assume the responsibility of reporting its usage.
Verse 1: All my days I will sing this song of gladness, give my praise to the Fountain of delights; for in my helplessness You heard my cry, and waves of mercy poured down on my life. (my life.)
Verse 2: I will trust in the cross of my Redeemer; I will sing of the blood that never fails, of sins forgiven, of conscience cleansed, of death defeated and life without end. (no end.) Beautiful Savior, Wonderful Counselor, clothed in majesty, Lord of history, You’re the Way, the Truth, the Life. Star of the Morning, glorious in holiness, You’re the Risen One, Heaven’s Champion, and You reign, You reign over all! (You reign over all!)
Verse 3: I Long to be where the praise is never ending; Yearn to dwell where the glory never fades, where countless worshippers will share one song, and cries of “Worthy” will honor the Lamb! (the Lamb!) Beautiful Savior, Wonderful Counselor, clothed in majesty, Lord of history, You’re the Way, the Truth, the Life. Star of the Morning, glorious in holiness, You’re the Risen One, Heaven’s Champion, and You reign, You reign over all! (You reign over all!)