Scripture: Matthew 24:44
Key: Eb
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: Soon the evening shadows falling, Close the day of mortal life; Soon the hand of death appalling, Draws thee from its weary strife.
Verse 2: Soon the awful trumpet sounding, Calls thee to the judgment throne; Now prepare, for love abounding Yet has left thee not alone.
Verse 3: O, how fatal ’tis to linger! Are you ready, ready now; Ready, should death’s icy finger Lay its chill upon thy brow?
Verse 4: Priceless love and free salvation Freely still are offered thee; Yield no longer to temptation, But from sin and sorrow flee.
Chorus: Are you ready? Are you ready? ‘Tis the Spirit calling: why delay? Are you ready? Are you ready? Do not linger longer: Come today.