Scripture: Matthew 28:18
Key: Bb
Time Signature: 4/4
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Verse 1: All authority and power, Ev’ry status and domain, Now belongs to one who suffered Our redemption to obtain; Angels, demons, kings and rulers, Over all shall Jesus reign!
Verse 2: All the nations owe Him worship, Ev’ry tongue shall call him Lord; How are men to call upon Him If His name they have not heard? Therefore go and make disciples, Preach his gospel, spread His word.
Verse 3: All the clear commands of Jesus Must be heeded and obeyed; Full provision for our weakness In His teaching He has made; In the Gospel words and symbols Saving truth to us conveyed.
Verse 4: All the time He will be with us, Always, to the end of days; With His own believing people Who keep steadfast in His ways; God the Father, Son, and Spirit, Bless us, and to Him the praise!