


Scripture: John 10:14

Key: A♭

Time Signature: 3/4


Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement

  • Copyright Agreement has been made with RJStevensMusic, LLC
  • No License or Reporting Requirements for copyright compliance
  • Permission to make a limited number of copies
  • For additional copies contact the copyright owner



Verse 1: A wonderful shepherd is Jesus to all. A wonderful shepherd is He; He knoweth His sheep and His sheep know His call, I know that my shepherd knows me.
Verse 2: He leadeth me down by the clear waters, still, With oil, He anoineth my head; The pastures are green and my cup doth He fill, My table forever is spread.
Verse 3: His rod and His staff, I shall ever hold dear, In Him, I can safely confide, The valley of death hath no shadow of fear, With Jesus so close to my side.
Chorus: He watches His flock in the heat of the day, He cares for His sheep, young and old; He searches for those who have wandered astray and leadeth them back to the fold.