Scripture: II Corinthians 5:1
Key: Ab
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Partnership
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Verse 1
We are going to heaven singing a song, Never to wander, never to roam. In that city up yonder we’ll never grow old, Happy forever while ages roll on.
Verse 2
We are trav’ling the highway Jesus hath trod. Onward to heaven, home to our God. In a home that’s eternal beyond this dark vale. Jesus is waiting, His glory we’ll share.
Verse 3
In our journey to heaven, we press along, Our faith in Jesus guiding us home. Over Jordan’s rough waters to Canaan’s fair land; Praising forever our glorious King.
We’ll be free from sorrow in that land so fair; God’s light will shine forever, For there is no night there, Singing praise to our Father around that great throne, Thanks to our Savior, yes, we’re going home.