Scripture: Ephesians 1:3a
Key: B♭
Time Signature: 4/4
Hymn Status: Copyright Agreement
- Copyright Agreement has been made with RJStevensMusic, LLC
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Verse 1: Blessed, blessed be the Father of our Lord, Who has lavished us with rich blessings from above, Made us holy and pure, to live gloriously His, Thru His grace, He gave the gift of love. (gave the gift of love.)
Verse 2: Blessed, blessed, for He chose us to be His, In His counsel worked the great mystery of His will, Our redemption thru Christ, Our adoption as His sons, Sealed in Him, His pledge, He will fulfill. (pledge, He will fulfill.)
Verse 3: Blessed, blessed, praise and glory for our hope, For He summed up all in our Lord thru whom He calls. All dominion and pow’r, Christ resides at His right Hand. We are His, Who fills us all in all. (fills us all in all.)