Scripture: John 1:14
Key: Eb
Time Signature: 4/4
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Verse 1: Sing of God made manifest In a child robust and blest, To whose home in Bethlehem, Where a star had guided them, Magi came and gifts unbound, Signs mysterious and profound: Myrrh and frankincense and gold Grave and God and king foretold.
Verse 2: Sing of God made manifest When at Jordan John confessed, “I should be baptized by You, But Your bidding I will do.” Then from heav’n a double sign— Dovelike Spirit, voice divine— Hailed the true Anointed One: “This is My beloved Son.”
Verse 3: Sing of God made manifest When Christ came as wedding guest And at Cana gave a sign, Turning water into wine; Further still was love revealed As He taught, forgave, and healed, Bringing light and life to all Who would listen to God’s call.
Verse 4: Sing of God made manifest On the cloudcapped mountain’s crest, Where the Law and Prophets waned So that Christ alone remained: Glmpse of glory, pledge of grace, Giv’n as Jesus set His face T’ward the waiting cross and grave, Sign of hope that God would save.