Scripture: Hebrews 6:18
Key: Bb
Time Signature: 9/8
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: Lay hold on the hope set before you, And let not a moment be lost, The Savior has purchased your ransom, But think what a price it hath cost.
Verse 2: Lay hold on the hope set before you, Of life that you now may receive, If, gladly His mercy accepting, You truly repent and believe.
Verse 3: Lay hold on the hope set before you, Of joy that no mortal can speak; It telleth of rest for the weary, Thru Jesus, the lowly and meek.
Verse 4: Lay hold on the hope set before you, A hope that is steadfast and sure; O haste to the blessed Redeemer, The loving, the perfect and pure.
Chorus: Lay hold on eternal salvation, Lay hold on the gift of God’s only Son; Lay hold on His infinite mercy, Lay hold on the Mighty One!