Wounded For Me
Scripture: Isaiah 53:5
Key: D
Time Signature: 3/4
Hymn Status: Public Domain (This hymn is free to use for display and print)
Terms of Use: None
Verse 1: Wounded for me, wounded for me, there on the cross he was wounded for me; gone my transgressions and now I am free, all because Jesus was wounded for me.
Verse 2: Dying for me, dying for me, there on the cross he was dying for me; now in his death my redemption I see, all because Jesus was dying for me.
Verse 3: Risen for me, risen for me, up from the grave he was risen for me; now evermore from death’s sting I am free, all because Jesus was risen for me.
Verse 4: Living for me, living for me, up in the skies He is living for me; daily He’s pleading and praying for me, all because Jesus is living for me.
Verse 5: Coming for me, coming for me, one glorious day He is coming for me; then with what joy His dear face I shall see, o, how I praise Him, He’s coming for me.